Langley Village Hall
Registered Charity Number 269720

Daily Classes at Langley Village Hall
​12-12.50pm Beginners Class 8th July - 12th August
1pm - 2pm Pilates
4.3pm - 7.15pm: Free Dance and R.A.D. Ballet For information click here
7.30pm - 8.30pm Mass Fitness (Circuit Training)
9.30 - 12.00pm Sing and Sign (term-time)
1.30pm - 4.30pm: Over 60's Club (Meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month)
2pm - 4pm Breath Easy (3rd Tuesday)
7.30 - 10.00pm Bowls
10am-11.00am Boogie Tots
4.30pm - 8.45pm: Musical Theatre and I.S.T.D. Tap For information click here
6.45pm-7.45pm Kelly's Keep Fit
8pm - 10pm: Morris Dancing (Sept-April)
8.45am - 2.45pm Baby Explorers (Sensory classes)
9.00am - 4.15pm: R.A.D. Ballet For information click here
AM Jnr Football (Langley Lions)
Hall available for hire from 4.30pm (school term time)
all day (school holidays)
AM: Football Snr. Langley
Football Jnr Langley
noon-7pm Wrestling (genesisproonline@gmail.com)
Hall available for hire for Childrens' parties and Christenings between 12.30pm & 6.30pm only
Class Contacts:
Weald School of Dance (Ballet) - Kiki Bradstock : admin@wealdschoolofdance.co.uk
Snr Football - Glen Allen: langleyandchart@btinternet.com
Pilates - Victoria Bristow: vickybristow@me.com
Breathe Easy - Anne Bines : annebines47@gmail.com
Short mat bowls - Thomas Coles: Thomas@coles.me.uk
Morris Dancing - Lesley Smith: loosewomenmorris@hotmail.co.uk
Over 60's group - Maria Mackelden: mackelden888@btinternet.com
Mass Fitness - Sheila Vickers - 07956791672
Baby Explorers - Kate Firman kate@babyexplorers.com
Kelly's Keep Fit - kelly.brickland@sky.com
Toby Toddlers - email bringarug@gmail.com
Sing and Sign - Jennifer Clout; maidstone@singandsign.co.uk
Football - Langley Lions - chris_langleylions@hotmail.com
Jnr Football - chris_langleylions@hotmail.com and aaron_langleylions@yahoo.com