Langley Village Hall
Registered Charity Number 269720

Things to know about Langley Village Hall....
If you think of a Village Hall, often you think of a nissen hut or timber structure like a sports pavilion tucked away on a small plot of unkempt grass and weeds on the outskirts of a village, or tucked away under the trees at the back of a village green. Well. in at least one village in Kent the Village Hall defies all expectations by being modern, advanced and at the very heart of the village community.
Langley, situated 5 miles south east of Maidstone town centre, is a relatively small village of less than 1200 residents and comprises a mixture of old traditional village properties dating back centuries to houses built in the 60s, 70’s and 80’s. The name is a common English place-name, from the Old English lang leah or ‘long field or woodland’. This village first appears in the records in 814 as Longanleag. But the residents of Langley keep their eyes firmly on the future when it comes to the hall. Built in the 70s and capable of hosting 200 attendees for events (or 150 for a seated dinner) the hall has been well maintained by its management committee. 150 new banqueting chairs were bought in 2012, in 2013 the kitchen was completely refurbished with two new double ovens, two fridges, microwave, hob, dishwasher and even an instant hot water boiler for those endless streams of tea at events!
The hall has a licensed bar to the back of the main hall that can be booked for events and a very good sized stage with lighting and space for backdrops and scenery.
The large car parking area to the front of the hall leads directly onto the reception area and is wheelchair friendly.
With such good facilities and an active management committee it is no wonder that the hall is well used by both Langley residents and other organisations and private hirers in the local area. With Ballet, Tap and Dance classes for all ages, Keep Fit classes, an over 60 club, an occasional mother and toddler group, a Breathe Easy group, short mat Bowls, Morris dancers,keep fit , Pilates and two Local Football teams who use the changing rooms and the two pitches on the grounds adjacent to the hall. There is a dedicated Bookings Officer who is happy to discuss any potential bookings with any potential hirer. The booking officer also deals with the payment of both deposits, fees and repayments of deposits following bookings.
In 2017 the committee embarked on building an extension which would allow football referees to have their own changing/shower room and also would give the footballers lots f storage space.
In the geographical centre of the parish the village hall is at the heart of village activities. Without local shops it is the only place to meet unless you want to go to the pub.
If you’d like more information about Langley Village hall, would like to enquire about a booking or simply talk to one of the committee members about the hall please contact:
Sue Knowles the Booking Secretary on 07548915724
Further bookings or information can be found on our Bookings Page on this website